I think we just combined two of the Swiss Ms' favorite things in this post: (a) desserts and (b) antique trams.
The Swiss Chocolatier Honold hosted a "Schoggi Tram (CHOCOLATE TRAM) in Zurich, for only a week from November 2nd to the 10th (too short!). This immensely popular ride was only 5 CHF per person (believe it!). We could not believe that something this amazing could be so affordable in Switzerland, much less Zurich.
The tickets went on sale a half hour before the first trip and cannot be reserved in advance online. Luckily, we were out shopping for groceries at Coop at Bellevue when we saw the ticket line for the Schoggi-Tram open up. Seizing the opportunity, we leapt in line to reserve our spot!
Knowing how punctual the Swiss are, we arrived a good fifteen minutes before our scheduled trip to ensure a good spot. We were first in line and snagged a prime table for two near the front of the tram!
In typical Swiss fashion, the tram promptly left at 3:30 and drinks, dessert and chocolate were served. The tram was a little jerky, but it added to the entire experience.
Thanks for reading!
-Herr Cervelat
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Dreams do come true! |
The Swiss Chocolatier Honold hosted a "Schoggi Tram (CHOCOLATE TRAM) in Zurich, for only a week from November 2nd to the 10th (too short!). This immensely popular ride was only 5 CHF per person (believe it!). We could not believe that something this amazing could be so affordable in Switzerland, much less Zurich.
The tickets went on sale a half hour before the first trip and cannot be reserved in advance online. Luckily, we were out shopping for groceries at Coop at Bellevue when we saw the ticket line for the Schoggi-Tram open up. Seizing the opportunity, we leapt in line to reserve our spot!
Almost like a ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. |
From the back. |
The train starts at Bellevue, goes to Zurich HB before returning to Bellevue: a brisk 20 minute round-trip. |
Knowing how punctual the Swiss are, we arrived a good fifteen minutes before our scheduled trip to ensure a good spot. We were first in line and snagged a prime table for two near the front of the tram!
Eagerly awaiting the ride. |
Beautiful antique interior. |
They were playing Christmas music! |
We got to peak into the driver's compartment. |
Our table had fresh flowers. |
In typical Swiss fashion, the tram promptly left at 3:30 and drinks, dessert and chocolate were served. The tram was a little jerky, but it added to the entire experience.
No detail goes unnoticed, like this snow-flake tablecloth. |
A tall mug of decadent hot chocolate. |
Delicious! |
Doin' hot chocolate right. |
Many passerby's admired the Schoggi tram. Who can blame them? |
Next up, Honald's specialty "Pain de Gênes" (an almond cake similar to American pound cake, where almond paste replaces some of the butter). |
And to top it all off, chocolate! |
On the left plate, dark chocolate covered espresso beans, a mint white chocolate covered in pop-rocks (they fizzed in your mouth!) and a liquor truffle. On the right plate, cherry chocolate and plain dark chocolate. |
Whew! That was a ton of food to finish on our twenty minute journey. |
As we got off, we noticed that the tram staff had already prepared for the next group of lucky riders! We should have bought more tickets... |
Thanks for reading!
-Herr Cervelat